Are Powder Coatings Safe for Vaping?

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The majority manufactures and producers of powder coatings will explain how powder coatings are completely safe and run no risk of toxic contamination to humans. This is true for the most part in the main applications you currently find in the powder coating industries today, but what about the vape and e-juice industry? Powder coatings are used to put a protective layer on many of products we use today from kitchen appliances to automotive but normally do not come into contact with the products we consume, what happens when they do?

After taking a closer look at some of the current applications of powder coatings being used by the consumable industry, we found that it is the most efficient way of enhancing aesthetics while providing a protective layer on the product, however is it the safest when it comes to consumables?

What are powder coatings?

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Powder coatings are a combination of pigments, polymer resins, leveling agents, curing agents, and other additives that have been dried then ground into a fine power. This now uniform powder is then easily applied to almost any surface using a spray gun, adhered with an electrostatic adhesion process called, electrostatic spray disposition (ESD), and then finally cured with heat.

How are they used today?

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Powder coating are used throughout a wide variety of industries that include everything from automotive parts to kitchen equipment. The application of these powder coatings is to add long lasting colors, different textures; while providing a layer of protection from exposure to impact, heat, harsh chemicals, and environmental stressors. With an extremely heavy resistance to Ultraviolet light the colors of these layers can easily last for years without fading or cracking.

What are some of the toxic compounds found in powder coatings?


Harmful resins like polymers, epoxies, and polyesters are always present in the powder coatings as a base element. These polymers help to increase the life and vibrance of the colors used and strengthen of the surfaces covered. Some of the chemical additives used like CERAFLOUR920 , BYK356, GARAMITE-7305, DISPERBYK-2200 contain compounds that are toxic to humans such as Carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides that can possibly irritate and damage the upper respiratory system, skin, eyes, and digestive tract, while potently aggravating preexisting conditions.

How are they being used in the vape and Ejuice industries that potentially makes them harmful?

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Powder coatings have become more widely used in vape products for customizing appearances of mainly the oil cartridges, ejuice tanks, and battery powered mods. While using powder coatings to enhance the aesthetics of a battery mod is harmless, the real danger comes with improperly applying powder coatings to the essential oil cartridges and ejuice oil tanks. This results in the coatings being applied to the inside of the cartridges and tanks where the essential oils and ejuice can make direct contact with them. Over time, the essential oils and ejuice ingredients can degrade the protective polymer additive of the powder coating, potently causing harmful compounds to contaminate the oils and ejuice. The newly contaminated oils and ejuice will then get vaporized by a hot coil when you activate your vaping device, causing you to possibly inhale the vapor byproducts of these harmful compounds. Most of the harmful compounds found in powder coating additives have a low flash point that is easily reached by the average vape coil heating up to about 300 degrees Fahrenheit. The coil or cartridge is capable of getting more than hot enough for these compounds to produce vapors that are inhaled by the user with each use.

Are there ways to avoid powder coated vape products?

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The best way to avoid powdered coated vape products is to source products made with pure materials such as Ceramics, Stainless steels, gold, Titanium (med grad2 only), borosilicate glass, Quartz and Crystal to list a few. Stay away from products that don’t provide you with information on what it’s made with. Look to purchase your vape products from a known and trusted company that has transparency with their manufactured goods.



While powder coatings are the best way to enhance the appearance of consumable essential oils and ejuice, the limited regulations behind the consumable delivery industry that design and manufacture the hardware for these products allow for it to easily be used in the wrong application that could potentially be harmful to us as the consumer of the end product. The best way possible to avoid dangers of these improper applications would be to only cartridges and ejuice tanks made of pure materials that can be sourced from accredited companies that provide transparency of their product production and certifications.


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